Homer High School Alumni Web Site

Your Source to Find Old Friends and Plan Reunions


Reunion Notice:  The site administrator for individual years can easily generate a file with all the names and contact information, making your reunion job much easier.  This file is normally EXCEL (spreadsheet), but can be converted to a simple text file if needed.

This master site is a collection  of school and town pictures, a history of Homer High, access to scanned yearbooks, and links to individual years at the school. 

    Links take you to the second section, a database on ClassCreator.com where each student can enter information about themselves, including address, telephone number, email address, what they’ve done since high school, recent pictures, and even videos.

    The database is password protected so only Homer High students can see information that has been posted.  The general password can be obtained by contacting the site administrator below. You will need the general password to access the database, and then you will create your own password if you want to modify your information. 

    The site administrator has access to all the posted information.  This administrator has entered the names and graduation pictures for each year, as obtained from the Homer High yearbooks.  Additional information is only entered by the administrator after obtaining permission from the student.  Each student who has the general password can also enter their own information, after creating a personal password.  To go to your year, click on Your Year here, or at the top of this page .

This site will be changing rapidly over the next few months, with the inclusion of scanned yearbooks, and school photographs.  If you have something you would like to add to the site, contact the site administrator.  All input is welcome.  Carl Nelson  carltn@gci.net  Tel (907) 336-1400

Would you like to volunteer to be an administrator for your year?  You don’t need to be a computer expert, just someone who would like to help find classmates for the site.  Being an administrator gives you the ability to enter data on the Homer High site for people who do not have access to the web.

Links to other sites about Homer High:

Official school site   



I am now actively looking for students to fill the 1971 through 1974 years.  If you click on Missing, you will see a list of student who have not been found yet.  The list is updated about once a week.